*sob* I'm so tired. But it seems the only time I actually get around to writing blogs is when I've been laying awake for several hours already and everyone else is still asleep.
Maybe I need the quiet to let my brain ramble and actually be able to hear it rather than just the usual white noise? >_>
Well, about 2 hours sleep before I woke up for the bathroom and my brain refused to drift back off.
I take sleep gummies, and they thankfully make it so that I usually fall asleep within an hour - rather than my usual 3 or 4 hours it takes to go to sleep.
And I recently started drinking Cacao (not to be confused with Cocoa, I don't even really understand the difference) and that seemed to be helping a lot too...
It seems that on nights like this where the brain says NOH, I'm not getting back to sleep regardless of how wrecked I feel
It doesn't help that one of the cats (Salem) is a nightmare - so whilst I'm sat here typing this, he's scrapping at the door because he desperately wants to come in and harass the hamsters, who are awake and in their wheels having a nice time. Unlike Luna, who is being a delight at the moment but is the bane of my life in other ways (usually involving turning off my computer or laying on the keyboard whilst i'm typing). But right now she's being an angel *touch wood*
Not much.
Sort of.
I've done a few more colourings, yayyyy!
But I haven't for a couple of weeks because I came across one that was unavoidably night-time themed, and my fear of buggering it up has kind of made me freeze up.
So instead I've just opened the book a few times, stared at it, and closed it again.
(it doesn't help that I buggered up attempting to do a sunset on another one, so now I'm extra cautious) -
and now Luna is trying to sit on the keyboard, fml
*cough* anyway
I tried to fix the sunset but foolishly decide to go with Gouache paint, which I'm extremely new and inexperienced at.
It didn't go very well
A few others went quite well
And one had a Highland Cow and LOOK HOW CUUUUUUTE
But yes, currently on a colouring hiatus.
I've also been rigging my vtuber model! Hoorayyyy!
Holy cow it's taking way longer than I expected it to.
I genuinely thought it would take me a couple of evenings to complete, but so far I've only got the eyes, head and hair moving.
It's largely the software itself though?
On tutorials, people seem to be able to drag the... layer? around very easily.
Like if that layer is selected, it's going to move when they Ctrl+drag (or that's how it looks, anyway).
For me, even when that layer is the only layer selected, I have to keep moving the mouse until I find a "sweet spot" where that specific layer gets highlighted(?), and if I go a fraction past it, it's gone, and I have to keep wiggling the mouse back and forth, the tiniest movements I can, to try and find that sweet spot again to be able to move it around.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong (if I am doing something wrong).
I've checked settings and looked online and I can't find anything saying "ah yes, this is the problem ____"
So it's been a very stressful experience xD but not nearly as stressful as the first week or more where I had no idea why CTRL+drag wasn't working for me at all
I'm not in love with the model, especially her outfit, but it's something, at least.
And I can always upgrade her as time goes by
(I started it well over a year ago, maybe two years ago? Potentially even more, but I could never figure out how I wanted it to look so it just sat there in procreate - though admittedly, every time I've picked it up again it's changed drastically. I kind of wish I still had the early attempts so that I could show the evolution, once I'm all done and going live again xD )
I've also picked up Baldurs Gate again, and have been finding Embrace Dark Urge far easier to get through than I expected (I always see people talk about how they couldn't stomach it) I suppose that's one way to find out you're a villain, but I'm a bit disappointed it's not Hagrid bursting through my front door like "YER A VILLAIN, 'ARRY"
It might be because this is my 3rd playthrough and the first two were goody-goody, even to some of the most unlikeable NPCS. Although I still struggle picking the rude dialogue options, but helping Minthara sack the Grove? No problem
I also did start drawing my Durge (first art of the year, hoorayyyyy)
But my ipad screen cover was getting a bit slippery so I asked my partner to put a new one on (my hands are shaky and struggle a lot with fiddly things, unfortunately)
and he's attempted it... but we're now 4 screen covers down (another two arriving some time today for hopefully another attempt later) and so far it's not gone well for him >_> They were probably fine but he is also a bit of a perfectionist so the TINIEST issue he'll take it off again and say it's no good
So...hopefully next blog I'll at least have a drawing to post here.
The way things are going, my next blog will be some time in April >_>
But yes.
It's that awkward time again where I try to figure out how one is supposed to end a blog post
Mood: Tired Watching: Game of Thrones Drinking: Tea Ear Worm: Imaginary - Evanescence